UT UHS/CMHC Internship

In the spring and summer of 2019 I was the creative intern for the University Health Services and Counseling and Mental Health Center at UT Austin. Here I worked closely with my supervisor on major print productions, promotional graphics, and Public Service Announcement posters to promote physical and mental health for UT Students.

The Annual Healthy Horns CalendarThis is the biggest project of the UHS summer internship. Under the supervision of my boss, Andrew Mendoza, I chose the images, did the layout design for each calendar spread, and took the document to a commercial pr…

The Annual Healthy Horns Calendar

This is the biggest project of the UHS summer internship. Under the supervision of my boss, Andrew Mendoza, I chose the images, did the layout design for each calendar spread, and took the document to a commercial printer to be reproduced for thousands of students.


Date Auction 2019